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★AnimE ★ ~Japanese Animation~
The first Japanese animation was made by 20century. It is Taisyo era in Japan. The Japanese filmmakers produced it with animation techniques from the other countries (France, Germany, the United States and Russia). The serial TV animation is started on January 1st, 1963. The anime’ name is “Tetsuwan Atom” Its original is written by Osamu Tezuka. He is very famous caricaturist in Japan and he has been called the “god of manga”. “Tetsuwan Atom” is a great draw for wide ages, then a lot of studio of animation was set and animation programs increased. The success of TV animation affects the animated cartoons. The animated cartoon started to be released as the new episode or the sequel to the TV animation from 1980’s. Then it is said Japanese movie is not able to get any profile from our business without animated cartoon.
【The Feature of Japanese Animation・ω・】
Most is a limited animated cartoon, and eight pictures used in one second are basic. But the case is only moved so it never means eight pictures are used for the second. There are a lot of various contents and it is tender to the writer character. There are many common features between the cartoon and the animation.【The popular Animation in Japan・ω・】 
BLOG QuestionnairR
※I asked these eight questions for six people...
Q1; How many times do you update a week?
→Once :6
Q2; What do you try when you write your blog?
→Easy to look: 2♪ Easy word: 1
Using cute pictures: 1 Easy to read: 2♪
Q3; When do you update the blog?
→Before the class: 1 In the class: 3♪ Evening: 2
Q4; What is your Blog’s theme?
→Simple: 2♪ Fun: 1 Cute: 2♪ Antique: 1
Q5; What kind of blogs do you want to read?
→My friend's blogs: 1
My favorite artist’s blogs: 2♪
Interesting blog: 2♪
Used cute pictures: 1
Q6; What kind of contents are you attracted?
→Favorite artist: 2 Interesting topic: 4♪
Q7; What topics are useful for you?
→Fashion:1 Cooking:1 Music:1
Diet:1 Exercise:1 Knowledge of various things:1
Q8; What’s the purpose to make blogs?
→To improve my English skill: 3♪
To improve how to use the computer: 2
To express my opinion to everyone: 1
Lastly, I appreciate your cooperation...
Other Class's BEST3NO.1 Tu4.302 Teretapi(・ω・)Ponchan This blog is really simple and cool!There are many funny pictures and a lot of information. Blog's layout is devised and very wonderful. I can read easily. So I like her blog very much(・ω・)/
No.2 Tu4.303 RIRA*DIARY This blog is really really cute! The layout is very cute and colorful! There are many pictures and all of them are cute. and interesting. So I like her blog.No.3 Th1.119 MILORD This blog is simple but colorful. So it isn't difficult to read regardless of many color. There are many good pictures and great information which I haven't known.
A Happy New YEAR!!Everyone! A happy new year! How was your 2008? Did you pay a visit to a shrine on New Year's Day? I paid a visit to a shrine on New Year's Day, and I wish you a happy new year. I introduce to you my best three BLOGs.NO.1 936 Babygirl★Her blog is very nice! Because there are many cute pictures, and pretty layout! she uses colors so it is easy to read her blog. There are many links. She research and show me a lot of information.NO.2 909 Check It Oooooooout!
Her blog is very nice! Because there are many pictures and links. She introduce to me a lot of ingormation. Her blog's layout is very simple and used only two colors, so I can read easily.NO.3 928 Harurururu~★She writes many things and researches a lot of imformation. There are some pictures and links.