

Other Class's BEST3

NO.1 Tu4.302 Teretapi(・ω・)Ponchan
This blog is really simple and cool!There are many funny pictures and a lot of information. Blog's layout is devised and very wonderful. I can read easily. So I like her blog very much(・ω・)/

No.2 Tu4.303 RIRA*DIARY
This blog is really really cute! The layout is very cute and colorful! There are many pictures and all of them are cute. and interesting. So I like her blog.

No.3 Th1.119 MILORD
This blog is simple but colorful. So it isn't difficult to read regardless of many color. There are many good pictures and great information which I haven't known.

1 件のコメント:

Michelle さんのコメント...

Hi^^ I like your cute and colorful blog!! So I wrote about your blog. Please look my blog if you want♪