Tofu is food which made from soybean mainly. It was once food of China and it was introduced to Japan in Nara period. It has a lot of textured vegetable proteins. And it has only little calories, so many people like eating this as healthy food.
●The food makes the beauty is Tofu●
Many women wish to keep young, smooth skin forever. Tofu is best food for those people. The cell of skin is made by the protein. The cell always changes new one the cycle of one per four weeks. So we must always supply the protein. But if we take animal protein, we assimilate fat, too. And we secrete surplus fat from our skin, and our pore open larger. So tofu is good for women who want to keep a smooth skin.
Processed Food
Egg Tofu, Sesame Tofu, Milk Tofu, Soy milk, etc…

☆Soy Milk☆
Soy milk is said “drink of soybean”, because all constituent of soybean remain except dietary fiber. It is strong to heat so we don’t worry about losing that ingredient. And we cook it on food or dessert, not only drink it. We cook easily with soy milk. If you don’t eat tofu every day, you should drink soy milk. Let’s drink soy milk and get nice body! please look at recipe.
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